Monthly Archives: December 2014
I’m going to be busy on Xmas Day
Dear Friends, the curators’ office Hampton Court this week has felt a bit like a sinking ship as one by one people have come into my room to say, ‘Well, I’m off now for the holidays. See you next year!’ I’m clinging on to the bitter end myself, having already had my holiday skiing a
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A curator's life
A re-post, on royal bedrooms of the past…
In honour of ‘Tales from the Royal Bedchamber’ being shown on PBS in America at the moment (you can also watch it through their website here) I’m re-posting an article from a couple of years ago, about royal beds… Rife through any archive of note and, should it contain ambassadors’ letters and courtiers’ memoirs, you’ll often
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General TV
Tales from the Royal Bedchamber