A year at Hampton Court – in pictures

It’s been a year since I got rid of the photos cluttering up my phone, and so ‘a year in the life of Hampton Court’ seemed like a good topic for a picture post.  It’s inevitable, if you work at Hampton Court, that you just can’t stop taking pictures of the place, and then you’re not sure what to do with them all!

A foggy day in Base Court, in January…


Snowdrops in Chapel Court, in February…

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A chilly day looking towards Fountain Court, in March…


Early spring flowers in the Pond Gardens, in April…

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A very blue evening across the Thames, in May..

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The Rose Garden, in June…

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Summer evening under Anne Boleyn’s arch, let’s say it’s July…


Dawn in Clock Court, late in August…

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Autumn sunshine on the Great Gatehouse, in September…


This was a VERY windy day in the Privy Garden, in October…


A brisk day by the Wine Fountain, in November…

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And a bit of December sunshine, in a photo of Lord Chamberlain’s Gate taken on Christmas Eve.

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16 thoughts on “A year at Hampton Court – in pictures

  1. Adi Johnson

    lovely! ~:-)x

  2. David newton

    Lovely photos of a great historic building Lucy.

    Well worth a visit .

  3. stan

    A fine set of photos there Lucy. What a grand plce that is.

  4. Geoff Hallett

    great pictures of one of my favourite places. Why Anne Boleyns arch?

  5. Glynn May

    I enjoyed a year at Hampton Court and loved the moody imshes. Do you work 7 days a week Lucy?

  6. Julie Gildie

    Lovely photos 🙂

  7. Wonderfully atmospheric shots. I have enjoyed skiffing on the river past here.

  8. Gail Marie

    Lovely photos! Visited Hampton Court last Thursday and we had great weather; they filled the Wine Fountain and gave out glasses of wine so we could all toast 500 years!

  9. John Fulham

    What a wonderful place Hampton Court is. There are few places that give me goosebumps any more but it ranks with the Vatican Museum or any place with anything by Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni. Take great care of it…we lovers of Hampton are around every corner.

  10. Janet Bull

    I love Hampton Court and simply do not get there nearly often enough. It is very special and a particular sort of place.

  11. Anna Czornyj

    You have the best job!!! The photos are wonderful! I’m watching the first episode of Harlots, Housewives and Heroines and am enjoying it tremendously. I’ve loved all of your programs – make more!! ☺️

  12. katie

    Don’t know why but the photo of Ann Boleyn’s Arch stirred me. Especially as I’ve not even been to England let alone Hampton Court. One day I will 🙂

  13. Michelle Bentz

    Hello from across the pond! 🙂 I love the pics you posted of Hampton Court! It is such a beautiful place, and I can’t wait to visit it some day! How I envy your job! Keep up the good work you do! 🙂 Cheers!

  14. Lori Rusanen

    Beautiful! Oh to see it in person, someday… Thank you so much for satisfying the constant cravings of a middle aged American Anglophile! I’ve always believed that I was born in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

  15. Graham everitt

    Hi lucy I have started to like history now your telling the story. Its the way you tell it.!Grew up in cheam and as a boy spent most of my childhood in nonsuch park, I never hear anything about nonsuch on tv . remember watching excavations in the park nr where the palace once stood, theres a local road named after ann bolyine (?)I wasnt very good at spelling at school or history. Regards Graham p everitt.

  16. Angela Webb

    Really lovely photos. I am quite jealous of your job. I love watching your special. I can only see them on You Tube for the time being, but I watch them over and over learning something new each time. Thank you for helping to make history fun (and funny). Great job!


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